Hello medfranz
I found this webpage : http://fulldownloadcracked.com/ets-5-professional-download-full-cracked-x86-x64-ets-5-professional-pc-mac/
Below STEPS you have a red download button and then you have three RAPIDGATOR FILE
It’s not ETS5.7.2 BUT IN STEP 5 they said that the update function his working (according to them).
So you should be have the latest ETS sofware
Enable internet and run ETS 5 Professional Cracked and make any update you need! You will be amazed that the Update Function for ETS 5 Professional will work smoothly and you will benefit for full features of ETS 5 Professional full Cracked.
I haven’t tested yet.
can you answer us if this software works ?
And thank you ROEL for your link, i use ETS 5.5.2 for educational use only thanks to you
Best Regards