xxxParticipant2022-12-16 at 15:26Post count: 68
sinn3rParticipant2022-12-16 at 15:43Post count: 368@debbe Much better now, ETS6C starts but I am not able to import my project from a cracked ETS5 because of the missing signature.
I will try the workaround with the dummy file now.xxxParticipant2022-12-16 at 15:49Post count: 68xxx
- This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by xxx.
sinn3rParticipant2022-12-16 at 15:54Post count: 368A cracked ETS5 can only export unsigned knxproj files, that can only be read by a cracked ETS5.
A licensed ETS5 will not import an unsigned knxproj file.
The cracked ETS6 will import an signed knxproj file from a licensed ETS5 but not an unsigned knxproj from a cracked ETS5.
After embedding the dummyfile (see above) in the knxproj from a cracked ETS5 your cracked ETS6 will import the knxproj. Yay!sinn3rParticipant2022-12-16 at 15:59Post count: 368Ok, new problem:
When trying to export a project from your cracked ETS6 it won’t work.
The error is “Dieses Projekt kann nicht mit den installierten Lizenzen exportiert werden.” which means something like “This project cannot be exported with the licenses installed.”
You can try it yourself in the project overview window if you hover over your project and select “Export”.magicufParticipant2022-12-16 at 16:49Post count: 5ETS6C works now and importing unsigned file from ETS5 (with dummy workaround) works as well!!!
@sinn3r: with my project also the export from ETS6 works without error message.sinn3rParticipant2022-12-16 at 17:36Post count: 368@magicuf How many devices are in your project?
Are you logged in to knx.org with ETS?My project has 85 devices and I always click cancel in the login window.