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  • gpkgpk
      Post count: 2


      I have bought the Fujitsu D3003 mainboard.
      I could use some help with setting up the hardware and 4.4 or 4.5 firmware….

      Some questions:
      – Do I only need to change the serial nr. in the bios with SMBCFG? Which entry should I change and do I change it with a “000AB*******” serial number?
      – No need for changing the MAC address?

      What partitions do I have to create? similar to HS3? (I have a 16gb transcend drive)

      Once the hardware is setup properly, I suppose I can create a freedos bootable usb stick like described on the forum?

      Who can help me in the right direction?


        Post count: 7

        I have the same question – i have the Fujitsu D3003 B1
        and here i want to change the serial number too :)

          Post count: 1

          Hi, I have a Futro S900 with a D3003-A12 Board. I tried to change the MAC with smbcfg.exe but after a reboot the original MAC is restored automaticaly.
          Is there a nother tool or something else to change the MAC?

          It looks like there is a write protection enabled in the board.

            Post count: 15

            hi, are the any results how to do this?

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