Tagged: hs_main 4.3 update hyper-v
Ronny1Participant2015-09-15 at 16:56Post count: 5
is it possible to update my running HS VM with the 4.3. update?
RoellerKeymaster2015-09-16 at 16:48Post count: 51I tried downloading a Hyper-V image and replaced the hs_main file with the hs_main file from the Experte 4.3 (install Experte 4.3, look at the directory structure, you’ll find the firmware of the HS3 and HS4. unzip/unrar it…. unzip/unrar again.. see the /hs/ directory and find the hs_main file)
Ronny1Participant2015-09-19 at 17:38Post count: 5Hi,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I Unzip/unrar the firmware.dat and the first INITRD.
But i couldn unrar/unzip the second INITRD. So i didnt get a hs_main file out.By updating via the Expert Prog. the HS VM restarts again and again.
RoellerKeymaster2015-09-21 at 09:33Post count: 51Ronny, You can use Winrar to unpack the firmware.dat file and use 7-Zip to unpack the INITRD file.
Ronny1Participant2015-09-27 at 19:34Post count: 5Hi,
Unfortunatly after a manual update or via the Experte software the HS VM is stacked in infinite reboot loop, it reboots and reboots.
The old backed up VMs a working fine.
what can be the probleme?
RoellerKeymaster2015-10-07 at 14:54Post count: 51Make sure you ‘chmod 755
‘ the files you copied. Otherwise it won’t have the execute permission and the HS will reboot infinite.. fox_wingerParticipant2015-10-25 at 09:53Post count: 6Could you make a VMware image of the 4.3 by chance?