Participant2014-10-08 at 15:26Post count: 3Hello,
I’m trying to make an HS4.1 server in Debian 6.0.7, i’v installed all the neccesary files and when i start the HS server it give’s me this errors:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kd4dn292pc3tr1x/Untitled4.jpg?dl=0And it will automaticaly close the eth0 connection .
This happens after i change the “dmidecode” file. If i try with the original “dmidecode” fie it give’s me the “keine berechtigung” error.What can i do ?
Keymaster2014-10-08 at 16:32Post count: 51I think you can skip the first errors. You see that it starts (screenshot 4) but it stops i gues…?
The “keine berechtigung” error is that your MAC address (which is actually the serial Key) is not allowed. Only specific MAC adresses work. Read the comments section and you see many options (from altering your MAC.. (if you are on a Virtual Machine) till changes ifconfig, the bios or other things..)
Participant2014-10-08 at 16:55Post count: 3Yes it starts but because of the error from screenshot 1 it closes the eth0 and if you see the screenshot 4 it has no IP and when i check with ifconfig i can see only lo connection. I altered the MAC address (in virtual machine and in dmidecode), i checked the hs_main and i put an usable MAC address (as seen in hs_main the 4 lines of the MAC and the last 2 lines can be changeable).
I’l try to modiffy the bios to see if it starts.
Participant2014-10-08 at 20:18Post count: 29You can change the MAC in dmidecode
root@HS4: /usr/sbin
root@HS4: vi dmidecodeViorel