HS4.4 VM with 2GB disk
for testing, I created a VM with HS updated to 4.4 and the disk shrunk to 2GB. That should make it easier to test it on a Dell FX160.
Can you share that VM with us? :)
in my Post 1893. the “HS4.4 VM” … is a hyperlink with the downloads
Thanks for the upload. Can you downgrade your version to virtual Hardwareversion 11? ESXI 6.0 doesn’t supports Version 12.
to change the HW-version of a vm simply edit the *.vmx file and chage the line with the hw-version.
hi, i tried to move the hs4-mini with Vmdk2Phys.Beta.01.1 to my 2 gb dell fx160 disk unfortunatelly the 2gb hs4-mini is a bit too large. :o(