    Post count: 1


    Sorry for my English in a German topic, I’m not so good at German and I see this topic is the most productive.

    Today the power supply of our Gira Homeserver 3 died.
    I replaced the power supply, now HS3 works again.

    As this controls quite a lot of devices in our building I would try to Virtualize it.

    I made a backup from the flash drive with Acronis true image.

    We have ESXi servers in place, we have Equinox Serial-IP converter attached to the servers. I’m quite sure the Equinox has no IP based solution for DOS.

    What do you think would be the correct solution to virtualize this HS3?
    – Run a windows host with the necessary Equinox IP libraries and run a Virtualbox/Vmware guest on that machine with the content of the HS3?

    What is in the HSERVER2.TGZ file? We don’t have the original project file from the HS Expert. Is it possible to modify some labels in this? Or is it possible to load somehow this back to the HS Expert?

    Thank you,

    Peter Dudas