Since a while, i’m using OpenFiler 2.x and Xen 4.01 Enterprise.
I use the iSCSI capabilities of OpenFiler for my Storage Repositories (SR) in Xen.
Last week i had a space problem for one of my VMs in XEN: The (virtual) Harddrive was only 30GB and i wanted to add another drive of 60GB. However, my Storage Repository (SR) was only 30GB!
I logged in to my OpenFiler machine with Putty and resized the iSCSI Volume with “lvextend -L +60G /dev/<MyGroup>/<MyiSCSIVolume>“.
In Xen i still saw that the Storage Repository was only 30GB, after restarting the OpenFiler iSCSI Target Service (using the GUI) and rebooting the XEN Server, the SR was still 30GB.
I logged in to the Xen Console (using Putty, but you can also use the XenCenter) and did a “xe sr-scan <my-sr-uuid>” and it was still 30GB, even after removing the SR and re-adding it.
After one night reading forums and Google’ing around I found the pvresize command, i red a lot of threads were people say it doesn’t work, well, it does work but you need to do the following:
xe sr-list name-label=<your SR name you want to resize>
Note the uuid of the SR.
pvscan | grep “<the uuid you noted in the previous step>“
Note the device name (eg: PV /dev/sdj )
pvresize <device name> (eg: pvresize /dev/sdj )
xe sr-scan <the uuid you noted in the previous step>
Now you see (check it using the XenCenter ;) ) that the SR is resized ! You can do the above while the VM is running in VM.
Most problems occur when people do “pvresize /dev/sda” (like most examples are), but when you have several (iSCSI) Storage Repositories, it could be /dev/sdc of /dev/sdj or whatever.
I’d add my new (virtual) Harddive and i had plenty of space again!
Still valid and working for XS 5.6sp2.
If you have more than 1 XS sharing the storage, you have to issue the ‘iscsiadm -m node -R’ command on each server, otherwise you will get read errors related to non-existing devices thrown during pvscan command.
BfN, Konrad