Tagged: HyperV HS 4.2
Post your links to Mega, Rapidshare or any other download links to VM images (Virtual Machines). Please don’t forget to mention the date, version and OS version it uses.
Hyper-V Image is here: http://jmp.sh/b/7ZHlhLytvuX96vaLtmy1
VMware Image is here: http://jmp.sh/b/XKMQN6hFHE9wZOeft4fQ
VMWare Image HS4 with upgrade to Firmware 4.1 Thaks to the original Author!!!
Linux: root/passwd Experte: admin/admin
MS Hype-V VHD Image HS4 with upgrade to Firmware 4.1.1 thanx to hsaxcel
Hyper-V: new VM, remove network adapter, add legacy network adapter Linux: root/passwd Experte: admin/admin